Hail all,

Got abit confused wityh all the plans and wot not, so just let me know ahen you have sorted all the flights and know what is happening. Didn’t check the mail, and there was nothing in the medical sheet we had to fill out about alergies, so headed of for the first dive to 12 metres todat! Much fun and amusment!!!! Ear fine and feel fine under water so no probs there then!! Most of the swellings have gone now, and it seems to be the antyhistamenes that ed gave me when we briefly saw then in bangkok. They are the ones he used for his allergy to wasp stings, and they work atreat. Mayhaps some brands work better than aother. Anyway, feeling fine and diving is great. will write a long, detailed mail when have finished course!!!! Mama would love it as you can see loads of coral and fish + manty other things. WE even learnt a groovy way to get the water out of your mask UNDER water!!!

By the way, we had to change our flights out of Bali to sing (on way tyo oz) as the one we were on was cancelled. WE are now on the SQ143 flight on the same day leaving bali. It is the only one that ties up with the connecting flight to brisbane i think. AS i said, let me know what is going on about your flights jul.

Love to all,