Month: June 2013

Pink birthday cake

Damp squib
Heartening news from the Met Office – things might brighten up, later in the century!
“The UK’s recent run of damp summers could be down to a cyclical warming of the Atlantic Ocean.
That was the view of scientists and meteorologists who gathered at the Met Office to discuss the unusual weather patterns of recent years.
They said that this 10 to 20 year pattern of Atlantic warming was shifting the jet stream, leading to washouts in six of the last seven summers.
But they suggested that the pattern would change at some point in the next decade.”

Wedding anniversary

Morning Tai Chi

The Beatles
Using the Tunein radio app, I’ve discovered a US station that plays nothing but songs from the Beatles, or their individual members. There’s no DJ, and only very occasional advertising.
The astonishing range, enduring brilliance and sublime production of their oeuvre leaves me stunned. I can’t conceive of any other artist or group of artists whose music could be played 24/7 and captivate a listener so completely, with no sense of repetition.
The Beatles are Shakespeare for our times!