not pleasent viewing, but I came accross the pictures of the treatment of those iraqi prisoners. BBC story here.
Month: April 2004

woops tell a lie. tom must have sent it to me in an email. cant delete the double post. oh well

if you had taken a momant to look in the forum you would realise that the link is there already. the site is quite interesting if a little repulsive.
having a jolly time in darlington. doing a spot of essay writing wilst the kids are at school.

Someone sent me this link. I feel a photo or two could be taken in Littlehampton; but how to escape afterwards?

pencil carving
pencil carving pretty amazing stuff… if it’s real!

A thought screen
Stop Alien Abductions
“Since trying Michael Menkin’s Helmet, I have not been bothered by alien mind control. Now my thoughts are my own. ”
The site actually seems to have a picture of one of these “aliens” and apparantly “the grays sit in a vat of nutrients and absorb it through their skin”