Sitting back in Takpuna playground for lunch, on our way to hot water beach. Excellent few days in the north. So after seeing the huge Kauri trees, we drove up through the kauri forest (impressive diversity, a definate tropical flavour) slight bleating from the back now, as we wind along the twisty, dusty roads. I suggest that Geoffs idea of pushing up to the top is possibly a step too far. We opt for crossing over at hokianga harbour(through kunakuna, where we found out Bid and Caz used to live) and upwards to Ahipara. This tirned out to be an excellent plan, especially as we (Geoff ) took left insted of right off the ferry, onto the especially windy, dusty rour….incidentally, we spoke to a Welsh bloke working on the ferry from Tredegar. He moved here 26yrs ago, and can’t think of a bettet place to be!) Ahipara was beautiful in the sunshine after our cloudy drive up. A nice pitch and two tree swings made everyone happy! We hired two surfboards one morning, and everyone headed in (after hauling everyone into their into their suits, i was teady for a sit down!) Great fun had by all, and everyone (inclueding E) was managing to ignore the swarms of jelly fish everywhere. I assured all and sundry that they were onviously harmless, and anyway, the wet suits were practically impenetrable. Unfortunately O got a twing on the leg and was positive he had been stung. He was just getting over this, and i was doing an excellent job of smoothling him back in when he trod on one. For those who haven’t trodden on one, its a nasty sensation, even for those who believe them to be harmless, which, despite my assurances to the trio, i am not sure i altogether do…. This was the last straw, and he shot out, closely followed by a yelping E (i hate it, its killing me) and they resorted to sand play. Rio caught many waves and loved it, and i did manage to drag O back in, and he got a couple of waves and came out smiling, so all ended happily. On another day we walked along Shipwreck cove, over the rocks and along the beach, which was a fun mix of sand, rocks, waves and areas of water that needed jumping over! We were on the hunt for sand dunes, but they were too far. Fun walk though! There ate lots of young peopke doing this 4 month end to end walk at the capsite. They drag themselves in, having done the beach stretch from Cape Reinga, and collaps in burnt, hobbling heaps to recover for a few days. I hear many peopke give up after the first leg. We drove to the Cape. The children underwhelmed by the lighthouse and by the meeting of the two seas. Mildly interested to see the Tokyo sign. Our first DOC campsite. Rafteshingly cheap after the others, but absolutely stiff with mozzies and sandflies. They caught us by surprise, and though we got the repellent out, the damage was done, and there has been much cursing and ankle itching since. For reasons bedt known to himself, Geoff decided we needed two nights here. I will say that yhe swimming was glorious on the first day. Pleasure slightly diminished by a small cold trickle calling itself a shower
I wanted to take pictures of the last swim, so stayed out. They all ran in, and i bately had time to focus, and they all charged out again! Orlando had spotted a massive ray. I daw it in one of the waves, it wad at least three feet across. I though less at first, but for me to have seen it so clearly from the beach, three is more like it! It gave them the creeps, and though Papa finished his swim, we headed for the showers, Elodie muttering darkly about jelly fish and sting rays….
We stopped in Kerikeri, and sent a few parcels and bought a few bits. O bought a bone pendent. We went to the library to get books for me. A slightly duspect selection in the fir salr bit, but i found a couple. Rio came away with some fantasy novel, and so did E. She is reading a sentence a night! Wanting to see some glow worms, Geoff found a walk to a cave near Waipu. It was brilliant! They all had their torches and found their way around like the famous five! Much excitement when they spotted the glow worms. Another DOC campsite. Geoff (though he lives how much cheaper these places are) looking longingly at the campervans and their soft beds) $2 for a hot shower! Everyone agreed this wad a waste of money, so we all had cold showers. Not so pleasant in the eveninh, but this morning, with sparkling sea and blazing sun, and after a swim (them, not me. I was carrying all the discarded cloths) the cold shower wad very pleasent. Well, lunch is finished, i have jusy had me forst coffee since we got here; off on the next adventure!
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