We’ll see you on the fifth then. Gumming up the epensive birthday celebrations geoff had planned at raffles, but all flesh is as grass!! When does it arrive agin? are you on the same flight as us on the sixth??
Deposit da booty into the e savers and i will look into the digi cam. Geoff as got one for his bday though. I will look here, but i think you only get one year warrenty. Make sure the current mahoola is all of the good will you?
Off to little india to sample a bit of tandori chicken!
Yay indeedy jul, some higher being is kindly paying for the pleasure of the plush hotel!!! most pleasing indeed! Will watch out for scams dod.
Seeing as jul is coming, we can load him down with goodies, so mama can send a list of things from the chinese shop. I spotted some lesser known here pills for tinitus!!!!!