
So how cheap – or expensive – is Bali? What would a night’s modest lodging cost; and daily nourishment? The book I have from the libarary is a little dated.

Bikes – leg powered – are recommended for getting around. Possibly the place for the ‘one day we’ll actually go on it’ bike tour.

You might be interested to hear this, quoted in the latest Reader’s Digest:

“Backpackers can get by on £15 a day in Asia and £25 a day in Australia and New Zealand. Lonely Planet advises setting aside £6000 for a six month round the world trip.”

Well, two of you are 6 months into your trip now; so, apparently, if you’ve spent less than £6000 (each), you’re doing well! I can’t believe you’ve spent anything like that. Even Julio, after four and a half months, is well within budget.