cor blimey this car hunting lark is foul. all the contac numbers are mobiles which charge you a dollar just for typing in the number, and no one has answered their phone yet, so we have eaither left messages or else bellowed acurse and put the phone down quick speed before it swallowed any more of our money. we have spent a small fortune on phomne cards and have got nowhere really. we saw the yellow van again and were not so taken with it this time. It was not big enough for geoff basicall, and a little on the tinny side. Also, even if we do find a car, we can’t do anything about it until monday to change ownership and wot not. all in all a pain in the butt, and wot on earth is wrong with the good old bus i would like to know? Oh well, the surch continues. we went to a couple of car markets today, and the one had asian blokes galor who looked rather dodgy, and were trying to palm of wrecks, and the other had nothing there but a couple of delapidated vans. Most disheartening i say. well, of for a sopt more hunting and useless phoning.