items from t

cheers muchly for the clothing and stress balls, tan. Clearly the balls will be put to good use, much stress keeping this place in order. Jul and I have been testing out the throwing stars – hurling them in to a large stave. needless to say, jul continuously misses.


Welcome back to Blighty! I am going on a training course to learn how to stop psychopaths from beating you up. Sadly I am not allowed to use the old trusty “poke ’em in the eyes and kick ’em in the balls” tactic and we have a “no restraint” policy so I guess it’s all about running away and hiding like a big girly wuss. I asked about tazar guns but all I got in return was a blank stare… because of this course I am working every day this week for between 6-12 hours, however, I will be around on Wed and Thurs after 3pm. Perhaps I can practise my death grips on you and Liv.


Your second Singapore package arrived the day before Jul; so now we have heaps and heaps of DVDs to wile away the long evenings. After a day or two of having him back here, it is as if Jul had never left! Tranquil mealtimes were already a thing of the past, with Liv spearing the largest portion of meat and yes-manning left, right and centre; and now we have a fourth point of view, most forcefully put, in round table discussions, by someone who’s clearly honed his debating skills during late night hostel badinage. For self preservation, I’ve clearly got to learn to take a back seat and not insist on the last word.

Mama started drinking marigold tea for ‘eyesight acuity’, as per your Chinese herbal instructions; and, lo and behold, this morning, she claimed a major transformation had occurred, and she was able to see more clearly than for a decade.

More coffee! We can’t handle this much. We only have a thimblefull after lunch each day. In fact, we’ve just had it. One of lifes all too brief pleasures.


hehehe that’s a good penny arcade. I’m going to start reading them from the beginning (they start in 98!)