Web access here on Praslin is limited. In a hut across the road from here is a goon charging a ridiculous sum for nothing. When I made the mistake of going there, the computer I was allocated had two downloads going on at the same time. I scarpered quickly, but he still demanded his blunt. “Here” is the Post Office, with its familiar 28 modem.
Liv, have you looked into broadband yet? I’m thinking of quitting NTL, using 18866 and others for phone calls, and having ‘always on’. Is this possible in Barnham?
We’ve discovered the severe mosquito problem at Mamie’s may be a by product of her rain water catchment tank, which she swears by for washing clothes. Mama and I had an exchange of words before I was allowed to pull the bung out and watch all the larvae drain away. I’m sure there are fewer mossies already!