
Well, it’s hot and steamy here, with many irritating mosquitoes; but still pleasant enough. Mamie is well and flapping around getting herself ready for France. Mama has swollen ankles and obviously can’t hack this climate but she refuses to admit 30 degrees here is far more debilitating than 30 degrees in England, which is what it has been according to the news. Our first nights were frankly hellish, what with lying in supporating pools of sweat n’ sand. Every small shift I made for the sake of momentary comfort was followed by an hour of manic perspiration. that, compounded with an insane dog just outside out window, who started howling on the slightest pretext, made for sleepless times. We’ve just about got used to it now.

I’m back in the Otherland swing, amazed at the fecundity of the guy’s imagination. So many different strands, so many ideas. Staggering.

Cheers for the texts about n’Bob, Liv. I’m on Mahe at the moment, and for some reason I can receive texts but not send them.

I’m running out of time already. Got to go and see a Big Cheese about the land. Bye.

big match

Slightly coming round later to watch the game. I thought about buying one of those england flags for green flash (there was a chap selling them out the back of his car outside aldays) but decided against it.

I hear people baying for me to come and play croquet.


The long awaited croquet set produced many an epic game. Most of which involved a large amount of evil backstabbing play!

not infact croquet, but solid attempting the break the world lawn mowing record!

Quality hat modelled by carotte