i would just like to say that i care not for this soiling of the blog with repulsive tales of episode cack – what a load of rubbish, and how any of you can waste your lived going to see it i know not.
and where is pinkyshmoos piccy? possibly solid could crafy one, and while he’s at it carotte wouldn’t mind a revamp of hers – something with flowing locks and glowing features pls.
i rarely write on the blog these days due to working pretty much 24/7 at the hell hole otherwise know as ‘dest job’ – internet not allowed (smiling only on sundays and laughing squashed by the vigilant ‘team leaders’) i barely get home in time to refresh myself with a quick episode of buffy before crawlinginto the pit for a few hours shuteye.
i would be writing this from geoff’s own computer at our palatial abode in melbourne road if the ‘solicitors’ did not need a few years to sort out a few papers. we got the depressing new back yesterday that it costs arounf £4000 to re-wire a house – what with that and the roof this looks to be a pricey venture (all woth it though for the north facing garden and the passageway along the side of the house – both good selling points!)
well, going out for a spot of fresh air and a look at some blue sky if i’m lucky. get drawing those pictures solid.