Most amusing post oh great Dodman!
I confess to enjoying a couple of the vices mentioned in your extended article. The special springy sticks – I loved my budgo-delight springy sticks and became a four legged beast whilst traversing the Pyranees – make use of your arms, I say, why not? Also I have been known to spare my feet getting rubbed raw and covered in soil, dust and sand by ensuring that while sandal clad, that they had the protection of socks. Personally I think black socks are acceptable in these situations whereas white socks are unacceptable in any situation. I accept that I may be in a minority of one but in my defense I can also claim to be the only person amongst us who has any feeling in my feet – everyone else’s consisting of elephant leather.
It’s been cold, damp and dark here so please appreciate you blessed position in the overall scheme of things. Happy Christmas to all