face options

I was thinking about changing our blog faces. I was thinking of using a photo, then pumping it through a photoshop filter. What do you think of these? please vote your preference…

if we go for the monochrome ones, perhaps each person could have a different colour.

  1. pinkie

    I like C and E. If we go monochrome can I be dark purple. Bagsy, bagsy, bagsy!

  2. I like E. I guess that balances up the voting and is therefore most unhelpful.

  3. i like D and E!

  4. so, the results are…
    A: 0
    B: 3
    C: 1
    D: 3
    E: 3

    So I guess I’ll just take an executive decision and pick one;-)

Test run

I’m testing out this software


which seems to be a totally foolproof way of updating blogs such as this one. Huzzah – no more fiddling with the dashboard.

I have no photos of my own at present, but came across this one of a family man, sporting a stylish swimsuit, which is certainly worthy of note.