
E relaxing

O relaxing

R relaxing

Outside relaxation

Mayumi’s parents

Elodie having a nap!
E relaxing
O relaxing
R relaxing
Outside relaxation
Mayumi’s parents
Elodie having a nap!
The flights went smoothly with many films being watched most of the time, eating, drinking and a little sleeping! Despite the mostly japonese signes, we made it onto the Narita express. Expensive but free wifi. Luckily Jul met us at Shinagawa. Most English is in extra small print! With wine and confit de canard weighing down the bags, and having to carry Elodies bag as she preferes ‘just one bag’, we stagered along in Jul”s wake, Rio talking non stop, with Orlando and Elodie added a few tit bits here and there. We purchased some ‘oyster card’ type cards and charged them up. ¥1000 notes slipping easily into the mashing. Over the next few days these voracious cards need constant feeding. Jul does it without even thinking, the notes slipping into the hungry slot easily. Everyone has one, and the 3 have a little baggie with the card in and enjoy beeping themselves in and out after every journey. Our apartment was easily found with Jul’s help, and the codes and keys all worked as stated. All mod cons inside, including mini bath and kettle!! Luckily I found an instant decaf sachet at the bottom of my bag, so managed a hot slurp. A quick bit if DS with Toton Jul (Rio main, if not only reason for coming here), then Bento and onigiri fir duos, with ready salted boiled egg! Jul and Mayumi have done some excellent guiding the last few days. The Ghibli shop (purchases of small tots) Starbucks (delicious coffee compared to the acrid poison in the uk) a jolly park (superb pic nic. Toothsome food and the obligatory bevarage bots. Let me just explain about these bots. Drink dispensers crop up on ever corner. Luckily you can use your ‘oyster card’ on these, and with a simple flick of the wrist, you get a stiky drink. Jul is a pro. It’s a work of a moment for him to avail himself of a couple of bots of a morn, replenishing his stock when needed throughout the day. Quite extraordinary. Rio was looking at some sweets, and was telling Jul that one seemed expensive, but that two seemed like a good deal. Jul concured, thinking this a sound thought process. Similar thought process!)
The gang
Orlando and Kia
Sunny spot
Giant robot
Looking after a poorly Bossy
Baby watching in the foodhall
Note plenty handy bevarages.
Twisty tree
Tree and sky line
Strole 2
Rio and Niko
Orlando and Niko9
Elodie and Kia
DS2 stop 20
Rio ad Niko
Jul and Mayumis
Of course, you don’t need any language proficiency to work the bot machine!
Surprisingly little! I am becoming a bit of a pro. The hot coffee is most tooth some.