Every time these AP’s go away, they seem to get themselves into some sort of trouble, be it sleeping on a sack of tangerines by the freezing roadside waiting for a no-show bus, wading through pitch black tunnels without the proper survival gear or frequenting dodgy hippy watering holes – they should possibly be in some kind of home……
Author: carotte

Baby Girl

Apparently this Gordon Brown chappie is …
Apparently this Gordon Brown chappie is labour???? for some reason I had him in my mind as conservative!!! even though I know that the weasley faced guy is the Tory 😐 My political knowledge never fails to astound me.

Two days in December

Can’t seem to write this under the chee…
Can’t seem to write this under the cheese bit. Glad you liked it! It is pretty tasty 🙂 You could have cooked it a little bit more until the top starts bubbling; even better. No English equivalent as far as I know.

Darcey lived at Pemberley I think you’l…
Darcey lived at Pemberley I think you’ll find.
That is pretty astounding.
Though actually, on reflection, perfectly understandable, given the only real difference in their policies concerns fox hunting.
Here’s one new Conservative MP you should have no difficulty remembering!
Yay for foxhunting I say!