
Wow! Rio would love that! Looks like great fun – more than we had when we went sledging with Sharna at christmas. What does minion think?

Jul – I feel for you. I remember those interviews well. They darken my dreams from time to time. We were prepared and briefed though – non of this ghastry spontanious stuff. Makes me break out in a cold sweat just thinking of it. Though that is the kind of thing you have to do in class from time to time. When the carefully planned lesson you slaved over last night goes horribly wrong and the whole class are staring at you as if you are something they scraped off their shoe, you have to think quick – testing on the nerves I can tell you. Geoff suggests cutting your hair and frequenting the bussines world rather than joining the hippy convention. He feels that the hair may provoke a preconseption that you will doss around and do as little work as possible! hey hum – the rest sounds like fun, though i can almost hear the money pouring out of the coffers. why not go for some other jobs as well?

a moment to myself

cor blimey – I just wrote a long blog and it wouldn’t post – I managed to lose it so as my spare moment to myself is running out I’ll give you the gist. Rio and Orlando doing well. Orlando is sleeping – he’s more a night bird really, waking up around 11ish for a larg part until the small hours. I’ve taken to coming out into the sitting room and watching late night tv! Rio is active as ever – Geoff is in charge of rio sleeping now. We are trying to knock the night waking on the head – two sets of wake up calls during the night is too much for anyone. Rio is kicking a little at not having maman but is coming to terms with the fact that he gets papa or nothing.

Jul – you seem to have got it wrong again. Jumping streight in to frolicking with the local fauna when you should be teaching the populace their ABC. Plenty of time for partying when the coffers are nice and full with money pooring in at least as fast as it’s pooring out surely?!?
What’s your address? Ours is 5 Avenue Leo Ferre, 31570 Sainte Foy d’Aigrefeuille, France

Liv and Han – hope you both had/have nice birthdays – sorry about the late prezzies and no cards. Due to not having many moments to myself! hope you like the prezzies when they arrive – they will be addressed to me.


hail from sunny toulous!
Dod just set up the internet – no phone as of yet. Bit clousy today but swimmming pool in daily use with dod and Geoff taking their early morning dips. rio likes the pool too. dod is going to try and set up skype or something. well, we’ll put some photos’ on later. will compose a better message later. Han, thank you for the chocs and mags – am just of to enjoy a relaxing moment with them as rio is asleep.


Yeah – we both mention how good the plac was and how nice the people were, but no mention of the name in either guide book!! it cost 2000 baht for three days trekking and one day cooking courrse – our guide was called jo – nice guy. Mama said you phoned so you’ve probably booked your trekk – they are most probably all about the same. as for the leeches, we found them in malasia – charging along every inch of ground sniffing out blood!!! Loo would have loved them – there were nnone in chang mai when we were there. sounds like laos was as good fun as i remember. well, enjoy the last few days. Nice and sunny here – though you won’t be enjoying any of the sun as you will both most rpobably be holled up in a factory somewhere in an effort to piece back the wrecks of your bank accounts!!! Rio is now able to walk along a little shakily pushing a trolley with bricks in!!! (mama – he did it for the first time today – I’ll bring the trolley tomorrow!)