
Hail all! Long time no blog. I was under the seemingly wrong impression that i could not use the internet at work but having seen someone next to me shopping for red stilletos on e-bay I thought i would give it another try! I hav’t read all the back logs bu have read a few of s and s in inda-sound like they are having a fun time. A few to many ashrams and dhanting for my liking but each to their own.

I got a text from Dod and Mama today (their evening) thay had just arrived in Benaulem-a pleasent spot to start one’s journey of south Goa. Dod seem alittle shoked at the higher than had been expected prices but i just reckon he hasnt got pliskins crust of a rhino when it comes to haggling for cheaper accomodation-send mama in i say.

Mango’s in season he says, though so are the mossies!

Well,everyone else look a but busy so i’d better go and translate some medical reports. Begining to feel a bit fat now-have trouble bending over to put shoes on!



Well hello all – just resting at the homestead while geoff plays football. Things going well at melbourne road – all done now apart from the spare room floor….and the bathroom!! unfortunatly the last perosn to plaster the walls did a less than perfect job and as we have taken the wall paper of the -plaster is crumbling under our fingers – geoff is going to attempt to plaster the hole (about one third of bathroom) himself – considering he can barely find his own pants in the morning, let alone do anything more complex than hammering a nail in (even this he finds taxing as they generaly go in wonky) he might have a bit of trouble with the plaster – I have decided to leave him to it and do a spot of gardening while the weather holds!! having said that he did manage by some miracle

by carotte

On account of Liv having scanked up the household internet I am unable to use my own face – had a day off work today (though day off is a joke – had to work saturday to earn it! and that was a pain in the neck) … running out of time, can”t waste any more … byeeee.

hail all

i would just like to say that i care not for this soiling of the blog with repulsive tales of episode cack – what a load of rubbish, and how any of you can waste your lived going to see it i know not.
and where is pinkyshmoos piccy? possibly solid could crafy one, and while he’s at it carotte wouldn’t mind a revamp of hers – something with flowing locks and glowing features pls.

i rarely write on the blog these days due to working pretty much 24/7 at the hell hole otherwise know as ‘dest job’ – internet not allowed (smiling only on sundays and laughing squashed by the vigilant ‘team leaders’) i barely get home in time to refresh myself with a quick episode of buffy before crawlinginto the pit for a few hours shuteye.

i would be writing this from geoff’s own computer at our palatial abode in melbourne road if the ‘solicitors’ did not need a few years to sort out a few papers. we got the depressing new back yesterday that it costs arounf £4000 to re-wire a house – what with that and the roof this looks to be a pricey venture (all woth it though for the north facing garden and the passageway along the side of the house – both good selling points!)

well, going out for a spot of fresh air and a look at some blue sky if i’m lucky. get drawing those pictures solid.

hail, no work again!
Am just checking out the options of working in chi/worthing as receptionist – there are actually some good options, but some need experience. otherwise I’ll be doing data entry down here for four weeks!!! Oh well, whatever comes in today I reckon. and no word from the body shop, curse them.

broadband sound sgood! you should get jul to pay online rent! that would cut his screentime down i bet!