hail all.
I like this job – I het payed for 8.30 – 5 but useually leave around 3-4!!! can’t say fairer than that. rainy/sun here but not cold. much pain in every muscle after the beach-especially as nikki and i have started running. We do 50mins every day. feeling fitter already!! Must continue when i get back. dod, did you sen dof my application for the bodyshop? what about all the others? i thought you were goin to send them up with liv?? well, see you all on fri

Hail all,
well, job a little tedious as no work whatsoever at the mo so just surfing th enet. everyone very friendly and cheerful so all’s well. getting ready for gower tonight – should be a good weekend if it doean’t pour down with rain. sat is supposed to be ok, but maybe rain on sun. what time are the cravens getting here? will get beds ready.
well, better go and look like i’m doing something. Bye for now

hail all, just taking a small break for typing frenzy – never want to see the word ‘mesothelioma’ or ‘immunohistochemicological’ ever again!!
No one seems to be able to send mails to me account, either that or noone ants to! See if you can sort it liv – there is only 42%storage being used.

Hail all,
At Pliskins abode at the mo. recovering after the bbq. Great fun was had by all, and many of my pals came up from sussex which was nice! Plisking got away wiht doing bot all, slithering away when any sign of work was on the horison, leaving the dogs bodying to Bigedthehead and myself. much marinading, slicing, broiling and suchlike went on. All went well on the night, plisking dressing up in his best tramp cyclist vest for the ocassion!
I am just about to pop into town to seeif there are any jobs around here for the summer, on account of the teaching having dried up. Possibly will go back tot he nursery, we’ll see what newport has to offer 🙂
at the moment i am doing a sopt of garden clearing for pliskings dad. The garden doesn’t appear to have been touched for 100 yrs, and after a good few hours toild i end up with many a pile of leaves, but little change to the actuall garden – curses. Went to granny gibbs house to clear that a bit too. and thehead unearther a wasps nest which was non too pleasent!
see you all anon

I see you’ve both been on line constantly – as jul had since mama n dod left. This thing called ‘eve’ or some such crud is becoming somthing of an obsession. Barely stopping for a bite to eat jul is plugged in from sun up to sun down!! Scraping him of is like parting a limpet from it’s fav rock.
My knoeck is also crooked due to jul’s insane dallying tecniques… oh well, maybe next time he will learn!
Live collecting the hasbeens.

Hail. Just got back from up north. took geoffs motor bike up, and much fun was had be everyone! Their party went of without a hitch, the customery hunks of beef going down a treat. Geoff maned the bBQ while did salads. Everyone well, and bouncy due to Hens new trampoline! A classy contraption big enough for me and geoff on it!!! I want one of those, though it would inpinge on the crud court a bit. Spent a couple of days at granny’s pottering round the garden. Most fo her stuff is ready whiles our seems a bit behind. Well, back to the old grind, and of to the nursery today. Maybe lolo and mike will come this weekend. Hope all is well in paradise.