Nicely flushed i think you’ll find! It was a master effort, i didn’t stop at all and it took me 20 mins! Why isn’t this blated oasis lady ringing back?????

Feeling the strain after being given a festering cold from one or other of the cravens. Blocked nose and headache. All food tasts like saw dust and glugs like bland water – not fun in the slightest. Geoff gone home to watch wales charge around the pitch which we rester in front of the fire. Laurence and Mike here for a spot of fresh air, which they certainly got yesterday on one of mama’s epic walks! There was some discussion about biking or walking and in the end we formed two parties, me beig in the biking, and the london contingent heading of with the mama into the open spaces, expecting a little strole to the church and back. We went on what can only be described as a squelch with dod at the helm, taking us the wrong way down this mud infested path! all for the good though as otherwise, had he found the correct route, it would have been strenuous up hill. Came back to fine mama not back after 1 1/2 hrs! Just about to send out serch party as was dark and gloomy when they traipsed in – a strole had turned into a 2 1/2 hr walk! WE should have warned them…..

Having got up at 4.30 in the morn – scrapped up would be a better word! we then wasted precious minuted wrestling with crip computer to try and print out the directions, but i ended up having to write them out by hand. We made our get away at 5.45 – still dark! Journey uneventfull but tedious, and we made it in time to get ready for livs lunch. He managed to complet my classy and highly exiting pressie from nz in a couple of go’s curse it!. The racing was fun if you like lobbing your hard earnt cash at the money grabbing bookies. I tries the randome luck tecnique. This resulted in me backing a mangy bunch of donkeys who seemed to find it stressfull breaking into a jog. A couple were led of having come down with some sort of pox, curse them, and my one exiting moment of the day was lost by a nose!!! A mugs game, but fun non the less, even though i was about 14 pounds down. James was 25 up having kept all inside info to himself and won twice!! A pleasent lunchings and tea and early to bed to recouperate.

hail all,

Geoff has gone of to the football and i am relaxing with Loo. Looking forward to the huge drive in the early hours of tomorrow!!! Ringing all these places for crip at the mo – he seems to have left it a bit late as they are all booked for that weekend1 Oh well,
see youa l on the morrow,

Well, just recovering from a torturous 2 days working for crip. The job as I understod it was s light sopt of painting, and parhaps having to sweep the floor. It turned out to be a mamouth job which we only got done in two days by the skin of our teeth! Crip was an expert at changing the guide lines – ‘just paint that gloss, just cement that hole, just grind those charp edges of, just move that pile of rubbish to the tip’ – and the list go’s on!!! WE got there all ready to paint to find that the floor hadn’t been cleaned. It was coated in years of gunk. Did i mention that the wearhouse was huge? Enormous!!! A never ending expanse of dirty floor with crip gibbering about scrapping by hand and de-oiling. We had a floor scrubber which was the hardest thing to keep unedr control, and i got back and hand ache from it!!! Hand puffed a little bu not too much. Afdter having gone over the whole floor with this scrubber it was covered in filthy water and we began the long task of brushing it out (the main door, like crip instructed). Crip then turns up with this blaster thig he had forgotten stanland had which strupped the floor clean in seconds!!!! It also pushed most of the water out! So we got to work with the blaster after a quick moan about the disorganisation ( Crip and dean the store manager where constantly blaming each other for the absence of painbrushed or brooms!) I was worried about how to get the water of the floor, but crip turned up with these large wiondow scrapper type things which cleaned the floor brilliantly – he procedef to charge across the floor with one crowing about how great it was, and thenbreak it in the first minute, he then left us to it!!!After the floor it was plain sailing and we had the job done in two days. There was one small incident where i did something to the door, and it wouldn’t close so i cut a wire to close it – dean tells me it needed a service anyway!!! Crip did mention a second coat, but seems to be happy with the one so far.
Well, of to granny’s tonight and then we are going to try the motorbike out on the land and then maybe geoff will got o the football with crip. I got a mail mfrom laurence saying she would come the weekend after, but will ring tonight anyway. Cheeripip, T

I don’t like the fact that i havn’t got a face. Back in the homestead I’ve slipped in almost unoticed I’m so quiet and unasuming!! Nice to nestle back into the comfy groove with regular glugs and bouts with Mama about how to place the spoons in the spoon holder – rafreshing! Apart from the small issue of me having the small dank bedroom all’s well.
Just settled in and then got talked into going up north – I blame dod myself. Oh well, was going up to see granny at some point anyway, and this way i get to paint a huge warehouse! Much fun will be had by all. After all this exitment it’s ho back for the racing on Liv’s Birthday.
Get me a face.