hail all, read the general mail to find all info about epic walk! about xmas, what i want is a nice pusskin waiting for me at home. either a small cute kitten of else oif you happen to be passing an animal shelter and fell like resquing a cat that would also be acceptable!!! in short, a cat!!! I will leave Jul to chose!!! good oh, as long as thats understood!!!
well, i\ll be of now. nice xmas piccy i say. That cat looks just about right – don’t worry, i will take it with me to my new abod as soon as i’ve purchased it! if it be overseas i’m sure you will give it a good home. Nice for minion to have a pal i say!

Cheers T

of on a trip on the keplar trek, on of geoffs organised walks!! he gets most exited and waves lists around for bag packing and provision buying!! it should be good providing the weather is nice. it gets pretty windy at the top so they say! by looking at the walk plan it would appear to be all up hill, but i’m sure there is some mistake!!!!!
well, i’m of to bed now and then of early in the morn. if there is anything pressing to say the good old phone is working tonight but will probably not be working for the next four days as will be in the middle of nowhere at the top of some mointain!!!!!
cheers T

PS NZ didn’t really support anyone but they were not too keen on the aussies winning! England are not too popular either in account of having a reputation for beign arrogant – due to will carling i believe!

Great result! Golden boots did it again. THat guy’s got a bionic leg, I’m sure of it!
Excellent to see Australia finally eat humble pie. However, can’t see it happening in the cricket though!


Tan will probably check her e-mail again tonigh so if anyone wants to write anything of note before we go on the epic trip! early in the morning for you guys.

hail all,
a pest you say? most unpleasent it sounds. you did manage to scrape yourself out of the sick pit for the game though did you ??? I was forced to watch it as geoff considered it sacrilage for any english parson not to – i found it rather tense myself even though i wasn’t really watching!!!! rather pleasing though non the less!
stanland pad looks plush, where is it? mayhaps you could csarape a job there for the time being wot? i might be going into nursing or something when i go back. a shortage area which is always much more encouraging in the interviews as they are desparate for anyone whe isn’t a complete morron!!! the way i see it is that it is about the same as teaching – long hours and working with people but you don’t have the added stress at home of planning and worrying about what is going to happen with 9x on the morrow. pretty soul destroying as i remember it! i might combine nursing with a sopt of potteryt and watch the money rolling in. I forgot for a moment what i had intended to do with granny’s money, which was to but a kiln, and spent some of it on a classy wool and possom fur jumper!!! oh well!
right, i’m off to pack and wot not for the morrow. i will take the old phone but doubt there will be any reception. my phone has developped some lurgy where by as soon as i have written a text it switches itself of!!1 most annoying. well toodle pip for now T

Hai all,
cheers muchly for the many letters and the shower. we read the letters with much laughter and pleasure – granny also sent one to say thank you for the kiwi. we are going to a campsite tonight sop will fill da shower up and see how it works! should be good as we have been reduced to using one of the cooking bowls as a bath – not the best i can tell you. and one of the washing up sponges as a wash cloth!!! most amusing!!
What is this large push for us to stay out here? anyone would think you don’t want us home!!!1 cor blimey – thinking of getting a bit of extra cash from renting my room out? I think not my good friends. i expect it to be fully cleansed and clean on the 5th of feb on the dot!!! I hope the two old haz beans will be good and ready for their bike tour by then!!! we have seen many people on bikes with the requisit bags and clothes cruising along the scenic roads! looks most pleasent to me, though a little strenuouse for the pace we are travelling at!!! looks like it would keep you nice and fit though!
Well, we are in queenstown, and are heading up a hill for geoff to try some sort of luge out before heading on southwards. I will try and write another letter, but what with beign a little beg\hind with the old diary, and wot with all da postcards i don’t have much time to call me own!

Will let you know how shower goes!
Love T