Needless to say that once we did come on the team managed to score. You see although some would say that we weren’t “directly involved” in the goal it was entirely our making – my run in the opposite direction pulled away the defenders and Liv’s aura changed the energies on the pitch. That is how we scored. The bloke who kicked it in was merely a beneficiary of our good work.
Author: slightly

Thorpe Park
Just been looking at Thorpe Park website. Check it out! I recommend that we all descend on mass. £15 if you book online and there appears to be several hoards of quality rides. Unsidedowny roller coasters and all that. Wahey! What dya reckon?
PS Dodman, I realise that this is several miles beneath your intellectual ability, do not feel obliged

Collingwood…? I hope he can bowl. Harmison and Hoggy have been very average, Giles fairly cack. Flintoff solid. Not sure where we’re gonna get 20 wickets from out of this lot… hope I’m wrong!

Highly crap football match today. Pitch was very bouncy, ball light and bouncy so the ball just blew about in the wind and bobbled and bounced and no-one actually had it under control at any point in the game. Played up front with an idiot as well and surprisingly Joe was crap too! We need the trusty Geoff / Liv combination in midfield. We scored one flukey goal but lost 3-1.

bowling? 149? How many?

Wow! Liv, Geoff and myself did a pretty good impression of some footballers today. Fooled the opposition and ourselves. Obviously we lost 4-2 but only because are ‘keaper developed a phobia of footballs in the last 10 minutes.