You scored 58 childishness and 30 evilosity!
Sweet and tangy, you’re fun and a little bit naughty but you’re generally home by midnight and you’ve generally remembered to mask the smell of booze with a refreshing mint or somesuch.


The match is 12 mins each way and so there’s no point in going all that way just for that, especially if you only come on at half time. Actually I thought I was good – I scored the only goal of the second half. But we should have won. We would have done but people who were defending suddenly went all out attack when we were winning leaving no-one to defend. Warren went beserk and decided to take them all on from the back, got tackled leaving three of them against our keeper and they scored. 3-3. Then the ball bobbled around, bounced off the back wall, bounced off the back of our keepers legs and dribbled in. 3-4 to them. Final whistle.
We did well though. Especially considering the psychotic (and I should know I’m a professional) nature of the opposition. One of them threw our player over his shoulder and then stamped on him!?!?
Overal though you need longer games or two games in one night. On the plus side I paid ¬£4.60 for the team strip – a rather fetching nike top which one can actually wear in public. Bargain.

“When you are completely clear, there is no subjective distortion; when you are completely pure, there is true perception. But even if you are thus through and through, this is still now the transcendental key. When the wind and waves have died out, the ocean of mind is as is; when you get to the bottom of the ocean of mind, for the first time you see the black pearl.”

From “Teachings of Zen,” edited by Thomas Cleary

How many?!?!?


From some random page on the net…
“This `gnani’, Devi explains, is a sage, one who is fully conscious through personal experience “of the eternal truths that express the Essence of the Universe.”

Hindi word, but not one, I suspect many Hindu’s are familiar with…

“it is hard to feel enlightened when I do not have a face – well no physical sense of identity and all that”

This is (ironically the point of enlightenment). When you go past seeing your physical self, memories and thoughts as anything substantial- as something that adds up to a individual separate “self”. With no ego ‘in the way’ we evolve into an expression of Self/ Divine/ God/ Buddha

“Invisible Man or should I say person?”

Yea. Often it has been said of a Gnani that it is as if there no-one is there.