Pinkie, I am very disappointed! Not only did you lose to Jul who randomly put in answers but your dismal performance has left me as the resident big brother expert (the shame, the shame). I would like to temper this affliction by stating that I have onlt watched 2 minutes of the current series and am unable to name even one contestant. Only Banshee Carrot can save me now… (I’ll help you with the answers if you like)
Author: slightly
Have parted with ¬£40 of vaguely hard earned cash for a Liverpool top so I can gloat and feel “part of it all”. Never really worn the football kits I’ve bought in the past much on the grounds that
a)I’m not 12.
b) I’m not working class.
c) I feel like a twat wearing one.
However as I sit here in my kit I feel like a Champion. Of Europe. More specifically in football. Woohoo!
OK. Piece of piddle… But it made Sasha confused.
If I have five chaffinces all called Steve and Dave is my uncle’s window cleaner. How many bottles of milk do the bluetits hack the lid off?
Mmm, mmm, answer me that one then!!!!
OK. I just made up this riddle – having been to see my grandparents over bank holiday I guess I must have been inspired by that.
A man has no cousins. His grandparents have four children and eight grandchildren. How is this possible?
First one to get the right answer wins the momentary respect of the other bloggers.
Big Brother
Shamefully I got 7/10 on the big brother quiz. I suspect pinkie might beat me if she tries; and maybe banshee carrot – or whatever she’s called these days (but I’ll always think of you as banshee carrot)
Cricket season
Yes it’s the cricket season and we’re playing a top quality Bangladesh outfit – possibly as good as the Dutch side. They appear to have been annialated out of sight already. A bit like last night really… accept we produced a fairly epic sized miracle. I am happy today. La di da. Skippity skip. Yep 🙂