I would probably have preferred elswere but so far every match of everything I’ve ever seen at Brockbank Central has resulted in the nobler, more gentlemanly (my) team winning. (i.e champions. league semi, rugby world cup final) Therefore in order to procure the correct result I adhere to the Gospond Road request.
Author: slightly

This new rule makes about as much sense and has been thought out about as much as post 9/11 anti-terrorist legislation.
Suppose one’s opponent hits a drop shot. One would have to scamper from the back of the court to the front and then scamper back again in order to be far back enough to be behind the bounce of the oponents return. Insanity in it’s purest ten times filtered essence.
Also I despute that claim that dod invented crud. I’m sure I was present at it’s birth (not to claim it as my own) and also at it’s naming – it was originally and mistakenly thought to be a inferior form of tennis – hence crud. Perhaps we should correct this and rename it something along the lines of “qualitae” or “ameliorated tennis”

Firstly Episode 3 was epic. A true masterpiece, observing the nature of the mind to attach and then to fear loss of the object of attachment leading to just about any form of evilness in order to protect and keep object of attachment. Good critism of Mr Bush too. Quote “Either you’re with me or you are my enemy!” (Bush “Either you’re with us or against us) Reply; “Only a sith talks in absolutes”. In your evil emperor face Bush! Quality.
Also, I wish to deny being the originator of volleying. Everybody knows that my volleying is thoroughly scank ridden. I only started volleying because I was getting thrashed by the serve volley tactics of decoy and The Gap. I propose a break away from the so called “authorities” of crud in order to form a “Crud Premier League”. We can take all the television rites and market them in the far east and become millionaires. Also we’ll all get contracts to advertise fast food and sugar saturated drinks.
I actually dislike the volley exclusion zone because I can only volley while standing over the net and also I posses a lethal lob – far better than any other registerered crud player which with the heavy balls and lack of room behind opponents is completely redundant. Also nothing beats the sheer exhilaration of a high speed volleyed rally- the two oponents eyeball to eyeball over the net.


Star Wars Quiz
Can anyone beat my epic 11/14 score on the bbc star wars quiz? Jul can, surely! The winner gets… a warm glow inside and harrassed for being a nerd.
Please post scores. Perhaps even mr plinskin the pirate might attempt?