I actually played a football match for 90 mins yesterday as a lone striker since we only had 10 players. This entails racing four defenders to every ball hoofed up the end you are attacking. I started off rather well but after the 18 stone goal keeper and I had run headlong into each other trying to get to the ball first I developed substantial bruising. By the last half hour I and the rest of the team were walking wounded trying desperately to keep limping at a reasonable pace and utterly devoid of any energy or ability. We lost one-nill and today i ache like nobodies business. Think I should stick to Pro Evo Soccer4 – I’m good at that at least.
Author: slightly

God and gardens
So that’s what the almighty gets up to these days is it. I suppose He has a history of doing this sort of pointless stuff – messing about with gardens and letting blokes wander around in them. And not noticing things like Tsunami’s in time to stop them. “Then the Lord God planted a garden in Eden, in the east, and there he put the man he had formed and he said unto the man, rejoice, I giveth unto you a season ticket, not exchangeable for cash or to be used in conjuction with any other offer” Genesis 1: 8-12

For about £30

Kew Gardens
Crocuses you say? They’re all over the place! The madness of driving (or not driving) all the way to central Londond for a few crocuses! I got in last week for the reduced price of £7.50 since it was going to close in one and half hours. I can’t believe the readiness to pay good money to see some old rusty green houses and trees when we live so near the Real Countryside. Fortunately I wasn’t the one paying B-) Although, I would conceed that come summer time there mght be more to see than grass and empty flower beds

What a cute wittle bunny wabbit! It says he’s got $14,000 dollars already. As far as scams go this is pretty unsubtle. I had a Philipinoe friend ring me up asking me if the really have won £100,000 like the recorded message on the phone said. Duh. If you harrass enough people you will find enough dunces and earn lots of money but inevitably spend eternity rotting in hell afterwards. So… if anyone has a machine which can process credit cards then I suggest we start a savejul.com sight asking for $1,000,000. You don’t mind do you Jul? You could have a share of the profits… assuming we don’t have to kill you.

My computer
My computer isn’t THAT old. I just can’t go online for too long because I run out of energy and have to stop peddling.
Actually I also have a crap ISP so that it downloads at almost 1 byte per second and disconnects every 10 minutes for no reason.