Some lovely photos, there. I’ve borrowed the one of me in the pool for my desktop. I might even try and transfer it onto the mypod, if i have a spare half day to work out how to do it.
Apparently, a ‘sourcier’ is someone who searches for water, using divining rods; a ‘sorcier’ is a witch. However, as the sign was outside the house of someone who removes warts using a form of magic, maybe they practice both arts; or maybe they simply mispelled the word, as someone down the road from us presumably has with their ‘Junc Shop’.
Very tasty, indeed. That large piece of bark on the side of my plate was cinnamon, which we took home with us, to reuse … it was hard not to imagine a chunk that size having already made a number of previous appearances!
I don’t recall ever going to Derby, but there’s meant to be some lovely countryside nearby, well away from those monstrous cooling towers. I believe Darcy’s Pemberton Hall is to be found thereabouts.
looking at the third pic, i think i need to be on a diet!
diets all round I say! I was looking in the mirror the other day – slightly too much of the heifer around the waist, and bluboid on the arms !!