hail minions!
back in whitianga after a jolly two day jount to tairua and back. we had planned to go to thames a place many weels away by hitch hiking but only managed to get a quarter of the way before it became dark. i know i said i would rather barbique my own leg and eat them, than do hitch hiking again but there was no bus on that day and annika stated that it was vital that we went on that day, so there we are. we had fun, by “fun” i mean we waited for hours on the side of the road, me complaining constantly, and annika smiling in amusement. nayway a nice time was had by all. before we left annika was to buy a car, but that fell through ‘cos the car was a bit crap and the guy selling it was dangerously strange and sexist and his eyes watered all the time! so now a fresh van is to be bought for $750, it looks cool, and has room for a matrass in the back so one could sleep in it if one desired, thus saving much mulah. just met johanese again at the hostel here. you might recall him from my earlier text. ’tis a small world.
tan: due to circumstances beyond my control i might have to stay on for a while longer than the 18th. is this ok? i would indeed very much like a throwing star! i will fix a bit of wood to my wall and learn to throw it like a real ninja!!! wow!
dod+mama: i say! that wood thingy around the bench looks rather snazzy! top hole. will try to send granny a postcard as soon as possible.