leave it black you say? to coin a frase: BWHAHAHAHA!!!
the ring i took from tans jewel box (the one with the black stone) is continualy tarnished by the hellish stinking air, but i am able to polish it clean. the ankh on the other hand just becomes a shinier black when i try and clean it, like obsidian. strange. i think buying silver pollish will be just as expencive as buying washing soda and foil. so i shall think upon it.

yesterday we got a mesage from one of the many people we phoned about purchasing there cars to meet u to check it out. it was very nice, a station wagon perfect for putting a mattrase in an no sign of rust, good tires/oil/radiater. blah blah. in a word perfect for only $800. after uming arhing annika decided to get it so we went to the post office to sort out the forms together. unfortunatly annika had to leg it back to the hostel to get here adress book to filn in the form propaly. the woman selling was getting twitchy as here bus left soon and she had to book it and ring up a friend about picking here up in auckland. i suggested that she ring up while annika was away. so she did. her friend and i waited and tried to think of stuff to say to each other. eventualy i saw annika in the distance and i becond her over, the friend wandered over to were the woman was talking on the phone. annika quickly completed the form, i gave a thumbs up to were the woman and her friend were talking, looking a bit worried i thought. they came over. we waved the form around, she looked rather sheepish. “i feel bad about this” she said. “what” we said? she explained that she had phoned her friend and she had stated that someone wanted here car in auckland for $1000. so she would sell it to him not us. aaaaaaagh!!!! i couldn’t believe it and annika was furious. so close yet so far. oh well verbal contracts, not worth the paper they are not printed on. god rot her, and her pox ridden car. the moral of this story is don’t let you ankh go black as night, becouse it will twist your luck and those in your close proximity for better or worse.

i will go and change the flight now. i will tell you what i have aranged tarn. plan A i believe.
