sorry i haven’t blogged in a while but i have had pressing matters of state to attend to.

ok, tarn seems to have covered most stuff on recent bali-ness and things so i shant repeat it. though possibly you might have a more sane perspective if i did.

one thing i will mention though,the other day i was pottering through ubud market with annika, idly sneering at costermongers when i chanced upon a fruit stall. a creture(it may possibly have been a hag or crone) popped out of a mound of sacks and gestured at a load of unusial small black objects. i had seen them before around the place, about the size and shape of a very big conker, and covered in what apeared to be slightly furry snake skin. i presumed that it was like some sort of arcane potato/maniok thing which clearly required boiling for three days to make it pallitable. “how do you cook it!” i said loudly and with gestures. the crone looked at me in confusion.”HOW DO YOU COOK IT!” i said utilising the time honored tecnique of repeating the same thing only louder. she grinned at taking one of the things from the basket deftly peeled it and profered the contents. it looked like the inside of a chesnut and it had a very similer texture once i bit into it, but the taste was remarkable. a sort of pinaple and strawberry melange with a hint of bibas. really very nice. i bought a load and descovered later that they are called oddly enough “snake skin fruit” and thus ends the saga of the tasty fruit.

ubud is alright , but the weather is not all it could be. mostly cloady with patchees of rain. we plan on checking out some temples in the surounding area and the monkey forest, then head back to the coast and warmth.

cheapish accomadation is around 40000 for a room. and cheap meals can be as little as 8000. though the cheaper food tends towards the skanky end of the food trough.

italy sound a bit jolly liv. how many people are with you on this “road trip”? were do you eat or do you cook your own food on a small combustible?

slightly, i recomend that you refrane from picking at the BBS until fully healed as it will increase the chances of gangrene.

are you suggesting that i have been saving tin somehow, dod?! sounds a bit good to me.
