We’ve been going to Climping for Mama’s refreshing sea bath pretty much daily recently. She goes in without batting an eyelid, whatever the weather, while I sit and watch, shivering in the wind. Liv’s been a couple of times, too. Yesterday, Tom was with us. I sat in the shelter of the sea wall while they pranced off for a session of ‘leaps of doom’. I watched their bobbing heads and strange, palsied shoulder twitchings as each concrete block was reached. Then, suddenly, Tom disappeared from sight. I asssumed he had prudently dropped into one of the gaps, rather than attempt a ‘leap too far’. Liv hovered around, peering downwards. Eventually, Tom reappeared, and limped back to where we were, confirming that he had, indeed, sent his leg crashing into a block of concrete with considerable force at alarming speed.

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