Ashbank House

Ashbank House

Hot off the press, from sources in Darlo.

This is Ashbank House the new residence of Stanland. Fairly plush i must say.

back line


Jul brought some sort of plague back from the “institute” last weekend. It was the work of a moment for him to infect me. It’s a hellish disease, inducing mild madness when you try and sleep and makes all possible joints ache like a pain.

what is all this talk of england not having a back line and not playing flowing rugby? Lies, I say! Clearly, england are the best in the world. We shall crush the aussies.

Tis all quiet on the job front, though that might be because i haven’t applied for any recently… Damned Logica spurned me like a dog, the fiends.

Feb 4

Back so soon? Well, your room is still there. Just don’t blame me if you wake up after a couple of mornings pining for the fiords!

I’ve just started reading Master and Commander again now it’s about to come out as a film. I hope they get it right.

Hai all,
cheers muchly for the many letters and the shower. we read the letters with much laughter and pleasure – granny also sent one to say thank you for the kiwi. we are going to a campsite tonight sop will fill da shower up and see how it works! should be good as we have been reduced to using one of the cooking bowls as a bath – not the best i can tell you. and one of the washing up sponges as a wash cloth!!! most amusing!!
What is this large push for us to stay out here? anyone would think you don’t want us home!!!1 cor blimey – thinking of getting a bit of extra cash from renting my room out? I think not my good friends. i expect it to be fully cleansed and clean on the 5th of feb on the dot!!! I hope the two old haz beans will be good and ready for their bike tour by then!!! we have seen many people on bikes with the requisit bags and clothes cruising along the scenic roads! looks most pleasent to me, though a little strenuouse for the pace we are travelling at!!! looks like it would keep you nice and fit though!
Well, we are in queenstown, and are heading up a hill for geoff to try some sort of luge out before heading on southwards. I will try and write another letter, but what with beign a little beg\hind with the old diary, and wot with all da postcards i don’t have much time to call me own!

Will let you know how shower goes!
Love T

No it appears that England don’t have a back line to speak of.
Well it wasn’t pretty again, but credit to England where it’s due. Golden boots won it for them again. They sure do know how to grind another team into the mire don’t they? I just wish they’d give the ball to Jason Robinson a bit more. THe one time he touched the ball in the France game, things happened!


That is quite foul!!!! i don’t believe a word of it and i hope you are still gluging away!!!
the glacier was much fun. i did enquire about hamish, julio having been so complimentary about his skills as a guide but he was otherwise occupied with a half day group while we went for the day tour!!! after donning soggy boots and a classy gortex coat we set off in the bus with boot grips and an ice axe – this icidently was the most useless thing in the world. you had to hold it all the time in one hand and therefpre only had one to grab onto thew icy surfaces with, and it nearly tripped me up a dozen times, almost chucking me into the blue crevices serounding us!!! i would have chucked it from me accept for the fact that all equipment had to be payed for!!! it was, as jul’s e-mail suf\gested, a day of blue ice, crevices, holes caves, cold water and a guide called blair with about as many piercings as one could have – however, as i get fed to the back teeth of writing a long mail to you and then the same thing in the generakl mail about the same thing, i will go to and start y general.

the only reason i havn’t texted recentyly is that there has been no reception in the hills. in wanaka at the moment and then on to queenstaown to collect my bevie of mail and the on south!