Pass the sick bag, Alice!

I knew there was something deeply suspect about that already ground, boot polish coloured coffee you sent from the Nam!!!!!!!

If you can’t read the fuzzy print below, it says:

“Coffee doesnít have to be organic to be tasty. I spent a recent holiday in Vietnam miming a weasel with tummy ache, hoping to find some chon, coffee made from beans eaten and then, erm, ejected, by weasels. Sounds gross, but itís rich, super-strong, weirdly chocolatey and deserving of the Truly Scrumptious seal of approval. Weasel coffee, about £14.95, from Edible ( and Selfridges; 0870 837 7377″


So the wwoofing experience gets better as you go along. Or maybe it was third time lucky.

Autumn has set in here, with gloomy days. We called in at Lolo and Mike’s when in London. They’re thinking of buying a flat.

Mmm. Little news … enjoy the glaciers … avoid Hamish!

Moral victory

Yes, indeed! By half time I was checking out cake hat recipes. England were never convincing. I mean, have they even got a back row? It never seemed to function; whereas the Welsh backs were electric. As were the French.

As you say, though: anyone but the Australians! On present form, it looks like the French.

Well I don’t normally swear on the blogger but jesus christ what the hell is that sprouting out of my pristine pait? Liv: punishment of a suitable kind will be dealt out on my return. At least you could have given me a decent hairline to make me feel better. I look like that bloke out of Babylon 5 whose name I forget.

Looks like you won’t have to eat your hat after all dod, but it was touch and go there for a while. I bet you were feeling a tad queasy at half time. Even if the victory goes to England, the entertainment prize must surely go to the Welsh boyos! It seems to me that the only guy who knows how to entertain on the English team is Jason Robinson. Johnny saves the day again!

Graceful in defeat,

P.S. Anyone but the Auzzies eh?

Hail all,
That hair on geoff is quite hidiouse!!!!! much amusment though! Liv, it looks like you took the elephant you had already carved out and gave it a polish!!!!don’t strain yourself will you? where is a pic of jul’s rabbit? one pic is of geof on present. the horse at regula’s, and the other is of the ride in golden bay, the horses prabcing up the hill after a hard gallop on the beach. the Cale thing sounded fun. reminded me a bit of what i thought of the bowie one i went to. i liked all the old stuff, but didn’t know any of the new stuff so didn’t like that as much. i’m sure chris would like to go. he will probably have tickets already!!!
greymouth is ok, not nearly as bad as the book says it is, though it is sunny today. the wwoofing was great fun as the people were so nice and generous, especially with their food, they had about five cows and pigs in the freezer, and pulled out a hunk of meat every day!! tasty! we went jade hinting a lot along the beach. the lovcals have bucket loads of these lovely, poilished stones which come down from the rivers and are them polished up by the sea. we had no luck though and didn’t find one. there are also some good gold rivers round here so on our way down to the glaciers we are going to stop of and sift a few niggets of so out of the silt with the frying pan!!! well, cheers for moving the money accross. maybe it would be better if you just did it? i’ll try and get on though soonest as you have texted the other stuff. nothing in the greymouth postal services so i presume the lengthy letters and wot not hasve gone to queenstown. jolly good. oh yes, these people were so friendly and we had sucha good time that they have invited us back for xmas!! it will beat spending it in the back of the car with Goeff!!! we will see where we are, but it would be nice. my hair is really long now, and blond ‘cos of the sun. geoff’s head looks like a coconut rather than egg now. the grey turd is going well, and that’
s about all the news, we are heading to athers pass and then south top the glaciers. will try and phone from there.

love Tanya

Original Star Wars


“…the original Star Wars trilogy is being released September 2004..”


“…seems that they have TWO Star Wars television ideas floating around the ranch…one would be animation and the other – LIVE ACTION. These television projects would be in 2006.”