Thank you for the long Christmas mails Mama and Dod, nice to read about all the usually Christmas activities! We had a good time too though not like at home! Louise said that James is a wet blamket when it comes to Christmas as well!! old has beens i say! We are in nelson at the mo, and no letter from granny at the post office to maybe she didn’t send one. going for swim later as it is blistering and then geoff is having a flying lesson with xmas money, then of to the cinema to see love actually while he goes to see some cac about a sailor! well, texting works so text away and i will ring beofre we get the ferry on the 7th with these classy cards which Jul omitted to tell us about. The bike looks classy. I would have said jul looks lie something out of that film Labyrinth woth davis bowie! well, cheers for now and will talk later. are still trying to find a classyier place than the lovcal chippy to spend J&L’s food voucher!