
What a beautiful Indian summer this is turning out to be. Jacques and Mireille came and went and after three lengthy bike rides, one to the top of the Downs, they probably think England is always this clement. On the last day of their visit, we went to Arundel and watched a parade of vintage cars. It was most edifying to realise yet again that cars, or at least their basic designs, haven’t improved one iota over the years. What’s more, we saw the original of the Chrysler PT, in its pre WW2 guise.

The biggest excitement of the week was heading to Bognor and buying myself a wetsuit for the windsurfing I plan to do. Trying these revolting rubber contrivances on in a small toilet on a hot day was nightmarish. Added to the fact I got the zip the wrong way around and then had to expose myself to the view of the many headed when I checked the different sizes out in front of a mirror, I was sweating profusely by the end. It’s incredible to think people actually wear ‘rubber gear’ for pleasure. Next week, after a couple of days on the lake, I should be ready for the open seas.