hot chocolate

the free drinks machine at work is the very same model we used to have to endure at the pepper factory! dear gods, the memories! and yes, everything that emerges from it tastes like slight variations of filth. (a bit like the drinks machine encountered by arthur dent in the Hitchhiker’s guide to the Galaxy where he tries to get a simple cup of tea and get something which is not quite, but nearly completely unlike tea.) all except the hot chocolate which is palatable. To be honest I haven’t tried many of the other variations (pear and apple drink, chicken soup, veg soup, etc) as after the tea and diet pepsi i’m not sure my tastebuds could handle it!

once again i spent an inordinately long amount of time in the garden yesterday. Watering this time, whereas yesterday i was only collecting veg. M and D always go away when the garden needs most tending it seems to me… just heading out now to check the eggs and feed the chickens.