Psycho tuesday

Maybe a colour change?

Concerning Larium:


“… my friend just got back from india. she was given, before the trip, some medication called larium, a popluar anti-malrial pill taken weekly. it has very few side effects, but she and her friends on the trip only experienced one- incredibly vivid dreams. in fact, on all the searches ive done about it, vivid dreams is listed as a side efect on them all. my freind had one so intense about an elephant trying to squash her, she rolled off the bed. they all can tell me nearly all of thier dreams, its crazy. anyone experince this med, becuase i think id like to take some, just in case the terrorists strike nyc with malaria. u never know. and if they dont, ill just be having dreams like wild acid trips on a nightly basis. thooughts? i know taking anything to dream seems dumb, but this isnt a hallucinagen, and isnt particularly harmful in any way. larium.”