i tried that. i got a mail from them saying the lifted some restriction or something and it should work in a couple of days.

alls well here. the area i am in is a lot quieter than i expected for tokyo but very nice. going to explore a bit more of the city on the morrow


Try searching, manually and automatically. It worked for me. Let me know if you want me to phone 02.

it seems my mobile should work as other people on o2 are fine. i have sent them an email, but if that doesn’t work perhaps you could call them dod? its bitterly cold today. possibly it might snow. pottered around asakusa (the bit of tokyo i am in) saw a bunch of touristy stuff and a massive market. might visit a bit more of the city tomorrow.

indeed! but actually it was blackthorne. just got back from a hostelry where i met many a fine fellow. hopefully i shall sleep this eve and gain an upper hand over the jetlag. general concesus by the many headed at the bar i was at is that teaching english was a doddle and the entire “getting a job” part was a mere formality.

anyway must have a snooze. bye


Channel crossing

Good to hear you’ve arrived. The best way to ‘reframe’ the hellishness of any flight is to consider the alternatives, such as Blackmore and his fellows endured, on their extended sea voyage into the unknown.Strange about the phone. Have you tried searching for new channels? That worked for me, somewhere.But possibly it won’t work, for you:



it seems my phone does not work so i wont be texting till i get a new phone. bit disappointing.

just got to my hostel in northern tokyo, seems ok so far. everyone seems jolly friendly. not sure how long i will stay in tokyo before heading onwards to yokohama.

flight was mildly hellish. not much sleep to be had so i am feeling a tad shattered.

right will blog later
