Presumably why they are 3 for 2!

I hear tell that you weren’t too happy with your appearance as a substitute the other day Tom?

Slightly crunchy sounds like he’s already booked his ticket to the next annual capitalist rally!!!

And as for Solid (hobbit feet) Gap’s outcry, I heartily agree: “Burn the heretic” for suggesting any deviation from the unwritten “bare foot” spirit of crud.

I find the words of the crudmaster rather distressing.
My recollection of the game was that I mixed basecourt play with serve and volley to good effect.
If the crudmaster hits short returns that land close to the net then he maut accept the fact that his opponent will be obliged to run to the net, and adopt the so called disgraced style!

And a final note: one must move with the times and not harp back to “them good old days….”

How long does it take to recover from a mere week of snowboarding? I was right asa rain after 2 days, playing both rugby and footie on the same week-end. And as for sailing…..PAH! You barely move on the boat. Not like chasing a sack of leather around a field for 90 minutes twice!

Clearly you are getting old!!

Hail all,

I also benefit (well most of the time anyway) from the magic fairy who deposits clean washing on my chair at regular intervals. A pack of about 10 washed and ironed work shirts miraculously appeared in my wardrobe the other day, a blessing for which I am eternally grateful!

Wow… What epic snow! Chatel has a lot to live up to, although the aprÈs ski is sure to be far superior in the Avalanche.