Thanks Liv

Well thanks for your help Liv. The highly witty captions dissapeared by hey, you can’t have everything! The first is a lotus, the we have sunset on a crappy island off Thailand, me snorkelling where there were no sharks and my friend Pankaj who has a jewellery shop in Delhi.

Pictures from Asia

It’s taken me about 5 years but I finally worked out how to download pictures on the site. Why? I thought I had something to contribute in this area. Hope it bloody works.

Flower in Thailand, bed in Malaysia, sunset in Thailand, dude in Delhi



Sunset over crappy island


Another day, another government

Woke up this morning and found out that the democratically elected government had been overthrown by the military. Well how exciting! Not something that happens every day now is it.

I can’t quite hear the tanks from here but I can here a cockerel.