Calling dodman

Hey Dodman

Does you fancy a bit of tennis in the next couple of days, I have wednesday and thursday off?
My leg has suffiently healed so that I can run (although I do leave manky leg smell in my wake wherever I pass through) and I am almost quite literally bursting for some excersize of a quality sporting nature



Caroline and Jacques are buying a flat in Chichester and this weekend Sasha and I checked it out as we might move into it in September.
Nicky I hope you got my message about the John Kale concert (it’s on your answerphone) on Monday night, dad asked me to say that he and mum are on holiday for a week in Devon/ Cornwall (as far west as they can be bothered to drive).
Leg has almost stopped bleading now but it stinks like rotten flesh. Pleasant, but the pharmacist says it doing nicely.

I have found my old modem and got it to work so I am back on-line at last. I am pleased to say that my leg has nearly stopped bleading after only 3 days. Mmmm…

Here are some quality pics of places Sasha and I have been on holiday
Sasha in the Maltese island Comino at the Blue Lagoon.

On our way back from Malta we had to travel via the Mars moon of Phoebos. I took this picture to remind me…


Wasn’t terribly impressed with Malta after my first couple days seeing as there was nothing there!!! I require epic theme parks and gereral excitements but the sights seemed to be a churches and um… stray cats.

However once you understand that it’s not a place for sight seeing and head down to one of the quality beaches, snorkel and swim with shoals of pretty fishes and chill out with a tasty Sasha then it ends up being well worth the effort and at only £345 for two for breakfast, dinner, hotel, flights, transfers well worth the money. And my usual MJ-like white as milk skin has gone all tanndified! Happy Tom 🙂


We’re in Malta in a very hot sunny and not especially interesting island. It has beaches but instead of sand they have hard “moon rock” so as to cause pain unto the foot area and make swimming unadvisable.

I have managed to get fairly sunburnt and eat lots of English food which is practically all they have here. The hotel serves Brit school dinner type food to the standard of private schools rather than standard though – i.e slightly better.
Malta is very full of people and increbidly busy. It has interesting buildings if you are the sort of dullard who wishes to look at buildings. There is very little greenery sadly.

We have had a fairly quality trip however to a tiny island with a Blue Lagoon which one could swim and snorkal in.

Nicky please call my mum and dad and tell them to go onto the internet and read this as they will probably be interested.
(I shall be back on Sunday and am driving from Sasha’s house)
