We’re in Malta in a very hot sunny and not especially interesting island. It has beaches but instead of sand they have hard “moon rock” so as to cause pain unto the foot area and make swimming unadvisable.
I have managed to get fairly sunburnt and eat lots of English food which is practically all they have here. The hotel serves Brit school dinner type food to the standard of private schools rather than standard though – i.e slightly better.
Malta is very full of people and increbidly busy. It has interesting buildings if you are the sort of dullard who wishes to look at buildings. There is very little greenery sadly.
We have had a fairly quality trip however to a tiny island with a Blue Lagoon which one could swim and snorkal in.
Nicky please call my mum and dad and tell them to go onto the internet and read this as they will probably be interested.
(I shall be back on Sunday and am driving from Sasha’s house)
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