yep, those are the ones! i might be able to get them cheaper second hand though.
Author: solid

krispy kremes are god-like in taste.
i too long for the epic beaches of past travels. though i favor the crystal waters and golden sand of Ko Lanta. for breakfast we would go to coffe asylem, sit in a hammock on the beach and eat the finest sandwiches ever created.

heading to singapore tonight and then back home the day after tomorrow.
looking forward to getting back, but really dont want to leave. 🙂
see you all soon.

some pics
of and evening we would retire back to the only after party in vangvien- gavin’s room. this is the sort of shenanigans that took place there. the guy on the right is called wayne. i will remember his laugh till the day i die.
barbershop laos style.
one could leap of this one into the cooling waters below.
there was also a swing made from creeper. great fun
some monks came along and had a go. good to see that they could enjoy themselves.
a young mowgli, spotted on our tubing trip
the crew. from left to right: johanna, BM, lucy, charlie, goldie and laura
the elephants that would transport us on one leg of our trek north of chang mai. unfortunatly my camera ran out of battery at this point.

quality photos!
back in tailand after a somewhat hellish 3 day journey up the mekong river and out of laos. chang mai, a city north of bankok, seems nice so far.
tarn, can you let me know what the name of that cookery course/trek place was called. cheers.
will blog and call soonest.