swab! i’ll keel-haul ye quick as ye blinks! avast!
Author: solid

evast me hearties! arrr!
just tried on my rather splendid pirate costume for an upcoming birthday celebration. i am pleased to say that i look the very image of cap’n jack sparrow!
may post some pictures at a later date.

indeed, ’twas most pleasent. one bit of amusement was despoiling Rich in Advance Wars, with a crack team of my finest ninjas capturing his HQ.
i managed to stand up a few times surfing which was classy, and i enjoyed the dune jumping thought i have lost the use of my right leg since then. also Ed forged a most tasty BBQ feast which we gorged ourselves on.

well thats insane. half the people in the shortlist seem to have books bublished already! damn greedy lackfaces!
name on the blog button= good idea

randomless spelling! ++
the end of story writing contest will be anouncing its shortlist soon. i can almost taste the victory!

alls well here. though i suspect we all have heat stroke 🙂
dod says the chicken food is in the pantry.
the other day i discovered harvest moon was missing from my case. con you explain why you stole it. cant find the question mark.
any way see you anon.