whats really interesting about that badger, badger thing is that anyone, anyone with even the inteligence of a half-eaten water biscuit can tell that it is absolute and total crap.

i hate it.

yes indeedy, a top hole film. quite similer in some respects to ghost world, which contains the same actress. ghost world was also rather good.

cold mountain was acceptable, though fairly crap to begin with it got pretty good towards the end.


like a wet sock on a washing line.

i havent blogged in a while as nothing much of interest has happened to me. apart that is from yesterday when i was nearly cut in half by a smegging wire.

moral of the story: make damn sure that there are no lethel bits of wire strung across a seemingly inocent gap in a section of fencing before leaping across at top speed.

obvious you may think, but it was invisible i say!

nothing broken as far as i know…


the hell?! the really was no need to post that one of goeff taking a shower.
well blighty is exactly as i left it. the first uni day was quite good. and hopfully the course will be nifty. naturaly i plan on making as many “instilations” as possible.
