
Fear and loathing in Richmond!!!!!

If you figure out when you want to go to Kerikeri, it would be a good idea to change the ticket as early as possible. Also, to book a place in a hostel there, rather than turn up and find it full. If you get there early it might allow you to organise something in advance, thereby allowing time for essential ërelaxingí purposes!
You get a single room for $95 a week at Arianga, which isnít bad, seeing as $20 a night for a dorm bed where you are is $140. They practically guarantee you work there, too, which you might think is a good reason for staying away; but I say thereís nothing wrong with a spot of honest toil in the open air with healthy like minded fellows toiling alongside you.

There’s a work swap place near Nelson who are keen on having someone help uproot a load of bamboo. They seem nice enough and have seperate accomodation: basically, 4 hours a day in reurn for food and lodging.

Do you realise All flesh is as grass is a biblical quote? I did a google search and it came up with:

All flesh is as grass, And all the glory thereof as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower falleth: But the word of the Lord abideth for ever

Itís a bit quiet here with just Mama and me debating whether or not to have coffee and have we remembered to lock all the doors Ö

What happened to capital letters?
