
Mmm. Which plan were you refering to? Rethinking, overnight, I realise that if you do want to go to Bali, on 6th July, maybe you need to change everything now, rather than nearer the time, because availability might be a problem. In fact, it might be a problem already! I hadn’t thought about that.
To recap:
Plan A was re-route everything from Auckland to tie in with T&G in Bali, retuning to London at the end of July.
Plan B was simply delay the existing routing until you’re clearer.
Here’s Plan C. It’s clear that you’re heading further and further away from Kerikeri! Figure out where, roughly, you’ll be by the beginning of July. Nelson, mayhap!!!!! Re-reoute your ticket now, at a cost of US$75, to Nelson (or wherever the nearest NZ airport is to where you’ll be)-Auckland-Sin-Bali-Sin-Lon, tieing in with T&G’s times. As you approach the beginning of July, either you’ll use the ticket, or you’ll have decided something completely different. Then you just pay the few dollars to change the dates until you know what you want to do and either use the ticket as it is or re-route it again.
Plan D is Mama’s. She suggests working backwards. Assuming you need to be here by mid September, arrange to go somewhere in SE Asia for a week of two before legging it to London, so leave NZ towards the end of August.
Plan E. A new one. Rip the ticket up and get a job! Establish yourself as a plastacine modeller in NZ. We’ll visit you on our bicycle tour later this year. There’s an article in the Sunday Times saying nine tenths of university degrees are a waste of time and money and don’t help much in the job market, anyway.
Hey, what happened to all the hair raising stories you used to regale us with?