Wallet fumbling

I had one of those moments recently, buying something in the local hardware shop. The poor sap was obviously a trainee, and he charged me £5 too little. Being Mr Honest, I pointed this out, and rewarded myself with a slap on the back.
If you’re reading Catch 22, it won’t be long before you borrow A Man In Full from Liv. Try warming up on Bonfire of the Vanities by the same author – Tom Wolfe. We’ve got two copies already, I think, somewhere!

hone heke again, bluey the van on the left.

some dolphins suprisingly, in milford sound

massive water fall in milford sound.

aha! i just picked up catch-22 in a book shop and started reading, afetr maybe half an hour of sidesplitting amusement i resufaced. very funny book, i should have listned to it when you got it for me out of the library, dod.
at the momant we are staying in a hostel called the chriterian (uncle fred in the springtime!) which is very art deco. apart from this place i haven’t seen much. it is a bit rediculous the hype about this being the art deco capital of the world. but this hostel looks like something from jeeves and wooster, at the momant annika is playing the piano in the background, god is in his heavan and alls right with the world.
yester day i went to the air newzealand fiends to check if they had cancelled my flights and to pay them the fifty squid. first the minion claimed that i didn’t exist then stated that they had nothing to do with air singapore, evan though the phone biscuit had asured me thet the air singapore flight would be cancelled. “you should ring them” said the minion “or they will cancell your entire tiket”. she glanced at a callender. “you should ring them …er yesterday?! whaaahg? i thought, not a little pertubed.but the minion was some sort of angel in disguise she was on the case before i could mutter a worried “oh dear” and had air singapore on the phone, and lo she sorted it in two minutes. “that will be ten dollors” she said. i fumbled with my wallet trying to cover my suprise. what price the crisp $130 dollors i had to part with, i thought well she didn’t mention it so i didn’t iether. momants later i was ten dollers lighter and the wide open spaces lay before me.


Bruce Almighty

I saw Jim Carey on the J Ross show. Funny but also toe curling, in about equal measure. He was asked why he lived alone; but it’s not really surprising, since he would send a companion round the bend in no time at all.

Hi there Lucy!

Pictures won’t upload tonight …

hey all, ive finally worked out how to join this chat thingy. Liv has jst got here as mum has jst picked him up from the station. Hey T and G, im tryin to work on gettin to Bali but i doubt anythin will happen!! liv says hi, along wid will, edd and I

haha, that is what you were wearing?! it looks almost reasonable on geaff be couse he has a muscle or three but on you spavined bod…

pics: top: the glorious panorama of hone heke. mid: annika looking jolly. bottom: christian and mika supping on what might possibly be a big mac. here we see christian sporting a rather fetching pink lumberjack shirt.

just went to see bruce almighty. very, very funny momants, almost cried it was so funny. but it also has some crappy cheesey bits. go and see it.


hahahha! God, that was turge!

Actually that pic is not too dissimilar. it is blue with a small nike tick in the corner, and is sat on a slightly more muscular frame…