Indeed a peculiar dream. The other night…

Indeed a peculiar dream. The other night i had to fight a chap, in some sort of gladiatorial situation, armed only with a spoon. I stabbed him in the thigh with the handle and i believe he died quite unpleasantly. Did i actually slay some dream denizen, who had some manner of real life unconnected to mine? Or was it some mental problem personified?
The trouble with dreams is, they have very little continuity so its very hard to see anything resembling a world that keeps going after we wake up. If we can control and manipulate our dreams then there is nothing actually solid and real in our dream. There is therefore no need for roads, or cars, or potholes. those are requirements of a material world, which the dream world is surely not. Unless you were having your dream on a layer above a sort of base matter, say a dream terrain, and you traveled over blip or bump in it, which manifested itself as a pothole.
On the other hand. For a road to exist there needs to be a set of rules, like gravity and such. But dream rules rarely match up from one dream to the next. So there would have to be a million little worlds each with there own different rules that we visit every night, like a plague of horrifying godlike ghosts, bending matter to our will and leaving a trail of madness in our wake. Actually that would make quite an interesting story if told from the perspective of a dream chap!

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