hail all,
I am now a certified padi diver to 18metres!!!! One more fun dive tomorrow and then finished!!!

I hadn’t stopped taking doxi when i last wrote as was not sure what the best thing to do was. Then found out that i had missed the night before, so didn’t take the one for that night either!!! And hey presto,all bubps diminished, disapeared and havn’t re-appeared!!!!! Not a 100% sure jet, but looks like that was the culprit. That cruddy doctor, i blame him!!!!!

WEll, just off to write my long mail. Crip wrote saying he is now 44, and hen has just had his b-day. Did you remember????

Love T


my breathing had never been a problem, so nothing to worry about there.

Geroff hasn’t used his inhalor for 4 months now, so ho[pefully his asthma has disappeared!!!


Hail all,

Got abit confused wityh all the plans and wot not, so just let me know ahen you have sorted all the flights and know what is happening. Didn’t check the mail, and there was nothing in the medical sheet we had to fill out about alergies, so headed of for the first dive to 12 metres todat! Much fun and amusment!!!! Ear fine and feel fine under water so no probs there then!! Most of the swellings have gone now, and it seems to be the antyhistamenes that ed gave me when we briefly saw then in bangkok. They are the ones he used for his allergy to wasp stings, and they work atreat. Mayhaps some brands work better than aother. Anyway, feeling fine and diving is great. will write a long, detailed mail when have finished course!!!! Mama would love it as you can see loads of coral and fish + manty other things. WE even learnt a groovy way to get the water out of your mask UNDER water!!!

By the way, we had to change our flights out of Bali to sing (on way tyo oz) as the one we were on was cancelled. WE are now on the SQ143 flight on the same day leaving bali. It is the only one that ties up with the connecting flight to brisbane i think. AS i said, let me know what is going on about your flights jul.

Love to all,

a high fever it says?????? Geoff think i should try and find some malarone. Wikll let you know if that is poss on the island

Could be bugs, but why havn’t i had any reaction before??? Havn’t stopped taking doxi yes as waiting for your advice and chemists. sounds to me like it is unlikely because i didn’t have any rection in vietnam. They are not bad, and am keeping a watchful eye on them. Havn’t taken an antihystamene yet, but ankles a little on the bloated side!!!!!! If they don’t get worse i think i will just see the course out and then hope they get better. If it is a bug from here there is not much i can do until i get out of thailand, or to a cooler climate like NZ. So, havn’t stopped yet, but will if swelling get bad. Any more on face and i’m stopping as they could get nasty.

Trying to sort out jul’s crack potted idea of a quick trip to the scam fest that is bagkok?!!! It’s a shame he missed thailand, but there seems little point in him zooming over there for a day and then back to singapore as he will have to fligh there to connect with the flight to bankok anyway i think. All flights in SE asia seem to go through singapore somhow of other!!!!!

Have started diving course in Koh Tao! Theory for three hours!!!! bit too much like school for my liking, but should be good fun. We were going to get an underwater diposable camera, but they only go to 5mts, and we are going to dive at 18mtrs. so not much good!

Love T

Yay ok boglar, check it out with the pharmacy and see what he saya. The doc here seemed to this that doxy was less than useless and should be chucked away forthwith!!!!

I’m all for giving it up as i don’t remember getting bitten really after cochin in india!!!! Espercially if it stops these pesky lumps. On the other hand, we only have 10-15 days left of them to take, so might be an idear to finish the tocic course and then get better!!!! Swellings all on legs and but at the mo. One tiny one on my cheeck has gone. am taking Neoclarityn given by Yi-Jing, so that seems to be stopping it getting bad.
Let me know what you think. Geoff can charge his mini disk and i can’t charg the phone, so it must be the charger or the phone. I will swap with jul.

Jul: that sounds fine to me. I will send you a list of things to do and things not to do and where to stay, eat ect as without a guide you will be grabbed by the first con artist and relieved of your last dollars!!!!

1st thing is, the taxi from the airport should cost 60 baht.( one pound is about 67 baht) top are cheaper off kohsan rd and much more later!!!

Cheers T