Money grasping fiends! It looks like you need to get an IRD number, quickly! When you do, remember to ask about a refund, for after you’ve done with working.
This is what it says here:
When you receive income from your job or other taxable income:
ï give your IRD number to your boss or other payer so that you are paying the correct amount of tax. If you don’t have an IRD number, fill in an IRD number application – individual form
ï fill in a tax code declaration form. (Without a tax code declaration, tax is deducted at the non-declaration rate of 45 cents in the dollar.)
The tax deducted from your income may range from 15 cents to 39 cents in the dollar.
If you are in employment for part of the year only, you could be entitled to a tax refund. Please contact us at Inland Revenue to request a personal tax summary, which will show whether you are entitled to this refund.
Somewhere else it says:
IRD Number
To work in New Zealand you will also need an IRD number from New Zealand Inland Revenue. This can be applied for once you arrive in New Zealand. Simply go to the nearest Inland Revenue office and take along your passport and visa. Ask at your hostel for directions. For more info see