Hail all, just to let you know we went to kanchantaburi to the death railway. Most depressing, but nice to see that the thais have kept all the graves well, with flowers and everything.WE went on the train over the bridge and along the track till the end. Amazing what was actually achieved. I sent granny a p-card. If anyone wants to write then write to post restente in auckland and i will pick it up when i get there. It would be most pleasent to get mail from good old blighty!! Well, seeing as jul hasn’t been around, i will just reinfroce g’s message that we are heading into malasia around the 22-25th ish, and then moving quickly down to singapore to get the flight to bali. Anyone know what his plans are????? Good oh!

Oh liv, much as i enjoy slightl;y’s mails, it pains me to have to read then THREE times!!!! A deletion should be don i think.

Love to all,

PS A few spot keep coming back on my legs and as soon as one goes another comes. We re-read the doxi blurb, abd lo and lo and behold, it said that one of the side effects if rashes and swelling!!!!! Why didn’t i see this before??????? I must have read this a thousend times to check!!! And what was that doc doing, not telling me it could have been the pill. I even took them in to show him!!!! I will try not taking them for a couple of day, and if they go it will have been them ,and Mama would have been right!!!!! I have taken enough to protect me from vietnam, cambodia and abit of thailand. These werte the most worrying places anyway. And if the doc is to be eblieved, then they are useless anyway!!! COR BLIMEY!!!!!!!!!!



I say old chap If you want us to meet you in Bangkok then you’d better chivy along and get there by the 26th June, as our visas run out on 29th and we wouldn’t mind seeing a bit of Malaysia.

G: sent on behalf of big sister!!

As non of you have botherd to sedn the adress for babs and lolo i will have to now wait to send their t-shirts!!!!! and lug then round with me… Cor blimey!!!!!

Well, of to get the train now

Hail Dod and Mama,

It disconected, and then wouldn’t re-conect again. It was one of the cheapest places in town though!!!! Nice to talk to you, you both sound fine!

WEll, best be of to warch ‘x men 2’.
I posted a big package today so that should get to you soon.

By the way, is anyone interested in a nija star???? Most viscious they look!

Sharna had a l;ittle girl on the 5th. Lili she’s called. WE can stay longer in OZ, but are quite keen to get to NZ now.

Let me know if there are any good towns on the east side of malasia mama!

Enjoy the good weather and gardening!! 26 degrees you say?? thats fairly cool round here. We don’t comment on the weather unles it goes above 40!!!!!!

Geoff twitching to get to the food stal befor the film starts! Got to get his quota of green curry in, at 20 baht a shot it’s well worth it!!!

Lots of love

PS i sent a silk scalf to granny and mamie. Did mamie get the large cloth coaster i sent her?? Did granny like the shirt???



THanks for the recommendations.
Does the canon have a memory card that is readily available? Also, worldwide warranty?


Epic Adventures

Hello everyone,
Tan’s idea to blog this because I don’t have all your e-mails.

Back amongst the chaos and lady boys of Bangkok again. Well, not literally, so no jokes at my expense please!!

Sorry about the breakdown in communication for anyone who cares. Have been in Laos for the last 10 days and my e-mail was playing up.

Our trip to Laos began with what can only be described as the most boring 2 days of our trip so far. Stuck on a boat with hard backed leather seats and about as much legroom as would fit a baby mouse for 2 days solid, we travelled from the Thai border at Chiang Khong to Luang Prabang in northern Laos. What’s more is that this boat was quite clearly designed for about 20 and at most 30 people, however our Laos friends managed to cram on about 80 tourists equally aS FOOLISH AS US. Shaking the lead and not to mention the deep vein thrombosis out of our legs on arrival, we headed off to find a guesthouse.

Apologies for the bad spelling: the keyboard’s just a mite stickyyyyyyyyyy

Within 2 hours of arrival in Luang Prabang, it was clear that our journey had been worth every moment of our tortuous journey to get there. Surrounded by scenic hills and on the Mekong river, it’s not a world heritage sight for nothing. What’s more I was soon to discover that it had a great night market that my girlfriend Tan tried to go mad in. It was only the Cat o’ 9 Tails that prevented her from buying up the entire town!!
We also got a classy ghuesthouse at $3 per night overlooking the Mekong with ensuite facilities. It’s a deal, it’s a steal!

While in Luang Prabang we took a daytrip to this awesome 3 tiered waterfall, and leapt off a tree overhanging it. The more time I spend away, the more I realise that that insurance I got was an essential acquisition.

THe next stop was Vang Vienh, 6 hours to the south. This necessetated taking a bus with an armed guard, who incidentally fell asleep within 20 minutes of starting off, and a decidedly unpleasant spitting Chinese bloke. In my opinion his phleming would have been just as effective as any gun. What’s more he seemed to have an endless supply of ammunition: 6 hours of continuous spitting!!

Vang Vienh was also great fun. WE got to watch Matrix Reloaded on a pirated DVD in a restaurant (shocking ending though), and floated down the river in inner tubes drinking beer (life is tough eh?).
we also went to this cave which you could swim into, which is supposedly 6km log and pitch black. Needless to say we didn’t get that far.

Our last stop in Laos was Vientiane. To be a little different, we decide to kayak from Vang Vienh to the capital instead of going by the usual route: bus. Apart from the sunburn and sore feet (still bruised) incurred from cliff jumping, this proved to be great fun. Some random bloke had to shove Tan off the side, holding onto my hand, because she just couldn’t bring herself to jump. However, she prevailed, albeit with a little helping hand!! It was not until after we negotiated the one particualrly hairy rapids section that our guide decided to tell us that 2 English girls had drowned a few months previously on them. Cheers mate!
Vientiane was definitely the least exciting place of our trip around Laos. It ws still worth visiting though. We decided to pamper ourselves while there and had a herbal sauna and Lao massage (for anyone whose thinking I’m abig girl, you should try this out), as well as a slap up French meal for $5. THis was really tasty – steak cooked to perfection with Roquefort and red wine sauces. Mmmm I can still taste it…succulent!

Got back to Thailand a couple of days ago, and now festering in the Bangkok sweatpit! Off to Kanchanaburi and the Bridge over the river Kwai tomorrow.

Peace my brothers (only joking!!!)